Welcome to Concerned Mothers

Allow me to introduce myself,

 I'm Loretta Sherman, 

 a wife and mother of three

 and I founded Concerned Mothers

 after my daughter was assaulted at school

 by being pushed down a flight of stairs by another student. 

 I was very very upset to say the least.
Since then a young boy in our neighborhood was hit by a car.


Violence is becoming a problem that no mother should overlook or stand back thinking someone else will speak up.
What if no one else does, then what?

I wonder how many times we just sit back and wait for things to work themselves out?

And violence is not the only concern that we are faced with.
Our children are being taught outside our home that living without God is just the way it is now.
It is our responsibility to our children to ensure their safety and well being any way we can.
How much more are we going to take?

How many more children must be bullied, hurt or killed, even faced with spending their lives in prison for mistakes they were influenced to make, before we as concerned mothers stand up and say enough?

Please join with me in becoming part of a growing organization and let's work to put an end to things that are harmful to our precious children.

We must pray and begin to seek God and with faith in Him to overcome, stand proud as
Concerned Mothers


And remember

We're in it for love

Dedicated For Life.

The annual membership fee for Concerned Mothers is $7.00
This goes toward our mothers fund.
If you are not a mother but would like to make a donation to our cause and organization,
please do so here.


May we not only become a united force of concerned mothers
but also may we become friends
there to help each other in time of need.

God bless you

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Are you considering joining Concerned Mothers ?

Please read over our mission below as it states
that we are a Christian organization, thus we do
require that our mothers have faith in the trinity:
God the Father
His Son Jesus Christ and
The Holy Spirit
and believe that with their direction,we can
make a difference for our children.
Thank You

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Loretta Sherman.

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